
She made the decision to leave from an early age. She wondered if it was some ingrained wanderlust from having been born on the outside, or if she just couldn’t stand the settlement any longer. Everything smelled like mildew, and a heavy damp odor hung in the air of every corridor and room. Everyone lied…

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She was born in the fourth year after Impact. By that time, the settlement had already fallen victim to the epidemic of drugs and lethargy. Everyone was tired, the village had become derelict, and raiders had been scouting the area for months. At first, they were excited to see the raiders, the knowledge that others…

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Move Beyond

The only things still operating after the impact were located underground. It had wiped the surface clean of any sign of civilization within a few thousand miles, and everything outside of that was just ruined beyond recognition, be it places, things, or people. Those that were left and still working had to make due with…

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